Ross Chernin (1979 - 2016)

Ross Chernin was a true legend. He did not deserve to die at 36.

Ross was first diagnosed with an anaplastic astrocytoma in 2011.  He went through painful (an understatement) surgery, and had 6 weeks of radiotherapy.  He was given the all-clear later that year, and carried on living life to the fullest.  Ross and his wife, Gemma, had a beautiful boy, who Ross doted on.  Ross went back to work and, as a Clinical Psychologist, continued to make a difference to hundreds of people. He valued his health, keeping fit and eating well, and enjoyed precious time with his friends and family.

Out of nowhere this year, the cancer returned--this time as a more aggressive tumour.  He went through more surgery, months of chemotherapy, and learned to live with it; carrying on day to day as best he could. Ultimately, the tumour continued to grow, and Ross died on 9th October 2016.

To honor Ross's memory we are asking that you donate to the Brain Tumour Charity here:

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If you want to add separate photos and Videos they can be uploaded/viewed here: .

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Christmas 2003/2015

As Ross' brother, Saul, I will start with Ross and I settling down after Christmas dinner to edit video of the Christmas period. We had so much fun incorporating Prodigy's Fire (with Mum bringing out a lit Christmas pudding) and Coldplay's Yellow (for Dad cutting up the Turkey). We didn't collaborate often but this showed how well we could work together (when we don't argue). 

This past Christmas we also worked together to collaborate again by putting on "Stutter Rap" with Ross beatboxing and myself as the "rapper". It was a blast although Ross's beatboxing was far superior to my rapping.